February 20, 2012

Music Monday: Iron Fossil

Why does so much remarkable music come from games I have no access to whatsoever?

Dariusburst Another Chronicle is a recent arcade title in a series of Japanese horizontal shooters. While the Darius series has been around since as early as 1986 and spanned multiple gaming systems, it doesn't seem to have ever made any big waves among the gaming community at large.

Dariusburst's OST is made up of the Photosynthesis Suite (or Suite Photoconductivity, depending on translation) -- a dynamic, six-movement flow of tracks which blend into each other and centres on the wordless voice of singer REMI. I have no idea if the in-game music melds into these different movements as seemlessly as on the disc, but it's not unthinkable, and would make for a rare and interesting experience.

Title: Iron Fossil
Game: Dariusburst Another Chronicle (arcade, released December 2010 in Japan)
Composed by Shohei Tsuchiya

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