May 8, 2014

Wildstar Open Beta Starts Today

Saddle up your rockets! Wildstar -- a part sci-fi, part wild-west, part What-if-World-of-Warcraft-was-in-space MMORPG -- has launched its open beta period. Thankfully, this isn't one of those hectic, ultra-brief beta weekends. The beta will be available to play until May 18th, and anyone can join in!

The cartoony visual style and characterization may appeal more to younger audiences, but at least as far as surface-level presentation is concerned it looks very well-produced and polished. I don't know that it does anything particularly cutting-edge or trailblazing for the genre, but if the action-based combat and exploration elements are engaging enough that's all that matters. I'm definitely going to be trying this game out and giving my two cents on how the beta performs.

For more info on Wildstar, check out the game's website or head straight on over to the beta sign-up page.

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